You are invited to a Seminar on “Procurement Under Grants’


Seminar hosted by SWOP4G


Any person affiliated with purchasing/procurement for their Entity. No Charge-just an RSVP


Buckeye Banquet Center (Located behind the Harley Davidson store)
7220 N. Dixie Dr.
Dayton, OH 45414
(937) 890-4652


Thursday, April 19, 2018

(Lunch and Drinks will be provided)

8:30 am – Networking and Registration

8:40 am – SWOP4G General Membership Meeting

9:00 am – Mr. Franklin U. Ayetin, Esq. with the DHS/FEMA Office of Chief Counsel (PFLD)

Noon – Lunch

1:00 pm – Continued presentation

2:15 pm – Closing remarks


Mr. Ayetin will help us to become familiar with the Federal procurement standards applicable to FEMA’ s Public Assistance disaster grants, in order to facilitate compliance with these standards, and reduce the likelihood of disallowance for failure to adhere to these requirements.


to Bev Yount at or 93 7-778-4002 by 4/13/18. Please let us know how many people from your entity are able to attend.